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2010-11-01 来源:菲尼克斯电气 浏览数:2021

[主持人]: 各位网友,大家好!6月30日10:30—11:30,菲尼克斯电气中国公司总裁李慕松教授做客人民网公益频道,与大家探讨企业社会责任,敬请关注!  [14:39] 10-06-29
[Host]:  Hello, net friends! Prof. Li Musong, President of Phoenix Contact China (PCC), will join us here at the Public Welfare Channel of the People’s Website from 10:30 to 11:30 on June 30. He is going to give a talk about the corporate social responsibility.. We’d like to have your attention now ! [14:39]
[主持人]:各位网友大家上午好!欢迎收看人民网公益频道在线访谈,今天来到我们演播室的嘉宾是菲尼克斯电气中国公司总裁李慕松教授。李教授,您好!欢迎作客人民网,首先请您和各位网友打个招呼。  [10:48] 10-06-30
[Host]: Good morning, every net friend! Welcome to watch the online interview in the Public Welfare Channel of the People’s Website. Today the distinguished guest who visits our studio is Prof. Li Musong, President of PCC. Hello, Prof. Li! Welcome to the People’s Website! First of all, please say hello to the net friends! [10:48]

[李慕松]:各位网友、企业界的朋友们,各位领导、老师们、同学们,大家好!  [10:49]
[Li Musong]: Hello, every net friend, friends of business circles, venerable elders teachers  and students! [10:49]

[主持人]:我们知道菲尼克斯是闻名全球的接线端子的领军企业,菲尼克斯电气中国用了16年的时间,员工从最初6人创业小组发展到现在的1100余名,你们是怎么做到的? [10:50]
 [Host]: As we know, Phoenix Contact is a world-wide famous leading supplier of connectors. Starting the business with 6 men only, the 16-year-old Phoenix Contact China has now grown up into an enterprise with 1100 employees. How did you make it?

[李慕松]:谢谢主持人。我想补充一下,其实菲尼克斯电气是全球工业自动化行业的领军企业,也就是包括了接线端子和电子接口,以及成套的自动化解决方案。我们是在中国土地上注册、在中国运行,我们公司的特点,100%的本土员工、100%的本土管理,所以真正是我们老祖宗所讲的“天时地利人和”,实际上公司员工人数、注册资金、销售规模、生产能力和盈利水平上都取得了长足的发展,根本的原因是国家和政府的大环境,还有就是我们公司自己的企业文化和核心价值观。  [10:50]
[Li Musong]: Thank you, Host, but I want to add that Phoenix Contact is actually the leading enterprise in the trade of industrial automation in the world. The company provides connectors, series of interface and automation solutions. Our company being  registered in China, also operates in China. The characteristics of our company are with 100 percent local employees and 100 percent local management team. Therefore, it conforms to what our ancestors said “favorable meteorological, and geographical conditions and human relations.” In fact, the company has attained significant development in terms of staff number, registered capital, sales volume, productivity, profitability and so on, its root causes  are the favorable macro environment the nation and government provide and in addition, the corporate culture and core values of our company. [10: 50]

[李慕松]:菲尼克斯电气本身就是改革开放的成果,我们既是改革开放的成果,又是改革开放的参与人和受益者,16年以来,我们从最初第一个业务年度,从6人筹备起家,到后来58个人,到现在全国提供1100多个稳定的就业岗位,而且注册资金从不足60万美元,到现在7500万美元,我们在中国市场的销售超过了700倍。而且还有一点,作为一个外商投资企业,我们公司的同事在这个岗位上,连续十年人均给国家上交超过10万元的税收,包括金融危机这两年,2008年我们人均水平达到了15万,累计上交了7亿多的税收。这是在外商投资企业的中国人对国家的贡献。  [10:51]
[Li Musong]: Phoenix Contact itself is the result of the open-up and reform policy,  and we ,phoenix fellows, being subject to and beneficiaries of the policy, are also the result of it,. Over the past sixteen years, having started the undertaking in the first business year by six pioneers, afterwards with 58 employees, and now we have created more than 1100 stable jobs nationwide; moreover, our registered capital which was less than 600 thousand US dollars now has reached 75 million US dollars. Our sales in the Chinese market have increased more than seven hundred times. Furthermore, as a foreign-funded enterprise, our staff have contributed annually over 100 thousand yuan in tax per capita to the nation for ten years on end, including recent two years during the global financial crisis. In 2008, the tax we paid reached the point of 150 thousand yuan per capita. To add up, since our company’s foundation we have paid more than 0.7 billion yuan in  tax. This is what the Chinese employees working in a foreign-funded company have contributed to the nation. [10:51]

[李慕松]:从行业来说,1996年起我们就是国内行业的首位,一直到现在,而且非常高兴的是从一开始在全球排行榜我们是第40几名,到2009年一举取得了全球子公司第一名,这一切都是在中国土地上实现的。所以,我们觉得特别是对于一个企业来说,善待员工,必须处理好四个关系,员工、客户、商业合作伙伴、社会、投资方,我们的核心价值观就是“振奋民族精神、服务社会大众、共建和谐社会”。这些都鼓励了我们不断奋发图强。我们现在7500万美元的注册资金,在中国一个集团、五个公司,德方的股份是占99.7%,可是我们实现了100%的本土员工,100%的本土管理。从一个侧面来说,尽管我们是中小型企业,但我们维护了中国人的尊严,体现了中国人的能力和志气,宣传了中国的改革开放。  [10:53]
[Li Musong]: Speaking of our position in the trade, we have been in the first place in domestic market ever since 1996. Though at first we were somewhere in the fortieth in the global ranking list,of PhoenixContact Group’s subsidiaries, we are happy to see that our company succeeded in occupying the first place among all subsidiaries in 2009. All this has come true in the land of China. Thus, we think it is necessary especially for an enterprise to coordinate these four relationships in order to treat the employees well: i.e.,in relation to customers, business partners,  society and investors. And our core values are to “Inspire the national spirit, Serve society and the public, and Co-build a harmonious society” which encourage us to strive on and work harder. We now have the registered capital of 75 million US dollars and in China our 5 subsidiaries compose a group. Although the German side holds 99.7% shares, we are with 100% local employees and 100% local management team. Our company is a small / medium -sized enterprise, but in a way we have maintained the dignity of the Chinese people, have reflected the ability and ambition of the Chinese people, and have advocated China’s open-up and reform policy. [10:53]

[主持人]:我们现在企业越来越重视履行社会责任,从菲尼克斯16年的发展历程也可以看出您和您的团队在不断做着我们的事业,同样也在做着优秀的企业公民。李总能否和我们谈谈企业是如何履行社会责任的?  [10:53]
[Host]: Chinese enterprises are now increasingly emphasizing the fulfillment of  social responsibilities. From PCCN’s 16-year development, we can see that you and your team are constantly dedicated to your cause in addition to being an eminent  corporate citizen. President Li, will you please talk about how your enterprise fulfills its social responsibility? [10: 53]

[李慕松]:在现在的生活环境之下,任何企业都不能离开社会,企业只是社会的一个细胞,所以我们有一句古话是“皮之不存,毛将焉附”,企业和社会是生存发展的共同体,谈到社会责任,过去常有一种提法,认为是做慈善,我本人不太赞成这个提法。我认为慈善是一种居高临下的,但社会责任是中国人知恩图报,因为社会大众抚育了我们、国家抚育了我们,这是我们应该做的。在十天前我们在北京出席了2010年中国企业社会责任年会,我们作为一个外商投资企业,被授予“2010中国社会责任优秀企业”的称号,我觉得这都是政府和社会对我们的鼓励。温家宝总理对我们讲,这次金融危机的最深层次的原因是企业失去了道德,企业家的身上要流淌着道德的血液,这是对企业界来说的,也指出我们应该做的事情。  [10:56]
[Li Musong]: Under present living conditions, no enterprise can exist outside the society. In short, an enterprise is a cell of the society. Therefore, as an old Chinese saying goes, “No skin, no hair.” That is, enterprises and the society coexist in a community. Speaking of corporate social responsibility, there was a way to put it in the past—it is to do something charitable. I personally disagree with it. I think charity is something like a way to view things or to act from above, while social responsibility is for us Chinese a way to return the favor to society which had done it to us before. This is what we should do because the people, the society and the nation have brought us up. Ten days ago, we attended the 2010 Annual Meeting of the Chinese Enterprises’ Social Responsibility in Beijing. As a foreign-funded enterprise, PCCN was awarded the title of “Outstanding Chinese Enterprise in Fulfilling Social Responsibility in 2010.” I think that is an encouragement to us from the government and society. Premier Wen Jiabao told us that the root cause of the financial crisis was that lots of enterprises were not moral as they should be. Entrepreneurs should have moral blood circulating through their bodies. That was a speech for the industrial circle and also about what we should do. [10: 56]

[李慕松]:谈到这个企业,我想汇报一下,五年以前,作为一家在中国注册和在中国营运的公司,我们独立自主的签署了联合国全球契约,当时总部说你们没有必要参加,我说“不,因为我们是在中国注册和营运的企业,我们应当承担这个责任”。而且我们当时注意到,跨国集团的中国子公司在我们之前是没有一个参加的,所以我们认为这时候是中国人应该挺身而出的时候,保护劳工、保护环境、遵守商业道德、反对商业贿赂,这是我们应该做的义务。因为我们是一个外商投资企业,所以很多人有一些误解,认为社会责任仅仅是捐款捐物。我觉得外商投资企业的第一条首先应该保护关爱自己的员工,如果一个企业连自己的员工都不能保护,奢谈什么社会责任的话,一定是别有用心、另有图谋的。所以对于我们来说,一颗平常心,做好我们的本分工作。我们是江苏省和谐劳动关系模范企业,我们不但关心员工的福利和员工的收入,我们更关心员工的成长和员工的道德,以及他们未来的人生道路。就我来说,由于历史的原因,因为公司成立的时候,我已经50多岁了,而我的同事都很年轻,我一直是这个企业的领头人,如果我不能给同事带好路,影响了他们的人生发展,那将是我对他们一辈子的遗憾,我对不起他们和家人。所以我们做事情,凭着中国人的良心,在1994年我们在南京的一个郊县开始了我们的创业起步,当时我们就发现有一个乡镇的十名小学生,由于家庭父母双亡等原因,交不起学费,被迫离开了学校。所以我们当时就想,尽管我们处于创业最困难的时候,当我们的同胞,当孩子们需要的时候,我们能够扶他一把、伸出我们的援手,这是每一个中国人应该做的事情。这些年以来,随着企业的发展,我们逐步逐步的也扩大我们关注弱势群体,履行我们社会责任的领域。比如说在全国的高校,十多个学校,这么多年来,我们资助了数百名贫困地区品学兼优的贫寒学子。而且我们有一个条件,25%必须来自西部地区,我们响应政府的号召。我们没有专业限制,没有服务限制,因为这是我们应该做的。另外,比如在全国我们先后援建了八个希望小学,我们选择的地方都是人穷志不穷的。应该说从精神层面上,我们和他们一起共同成长、共同发展。  [11:00]
[Li Musong]: Speaking of our company, I want to make a brief report. Five years ago, as a corporation registered and operating in China, we signed the United Nations Global Compact independently. Although the headquarters said that it was not necessary for us to participate in it, I answered, “Yes, we should take this responsibility as we are an enterprise having registered and been operating in China.” Also, we noticed that none of the Chinese subsidiaries of any joint venture had taken part in it, but we thought this was the occasion when the Chinese should boldly stand out to protect the laborers, the environment, to abide by the moral rules, and to oppose commercial bribery. These are the responsibilities we should take. As we are a foreign-funded enterprise, some people tend to think that to fulfill social responsibility is nothing but to donate money and materials.. I think the first thing for a foreign-funded enterprise to do is to protect and take care of their employees. If an enterprise cannot protect their employees but talk glibly about the social responsibility, it must have had an axe to grind or had some ulterior motive. Thus, to us, it is important to have an ordinary frame of  mind to do our duty. We are one of the model enterprises of maintaining harmonious labor relationships in Jiangsu Province. We take care not only of the employees’ welfare and income but also their personality development, morality and their future in life as well. Taking me as an example, due to historical reasons, I was over 50 when the company was founded. But my colleagues were very young and I have led this enterprise from the front. If I could not guide my colleagues well, and if I hindered their personal growth, I would have felt guilty about their careers, like doing a disservice to them and their family members. Therefore, we make it a matter of Chinese conscience in doing anything. In 1994, we started our business in a suburb county near Nanjing. At that time we found there were ten pupils in a village who had to quit school since they had lost their parents and could not afford the tuition. We thought that we could extend our hands and to help , when our countrymen and their children were in need, although it was the time when we ourselves were facing all sorts of difficulties in founding the enterprise. This is what every Chinese should do. Over these years, following the development of the enterprise, we have widened our focus step by step.on the underprivileged and fulfilling our social responsibility. For instance, over these years we have aided the academically good yet poor students in more than ten universities in some poverty-stricken areas. And to answer for the government’s call, we have required that 25% of the aided students come from the west of China. We have no requirements for their specialties, or for their service continuation to get the financial aid since it is just what we should do on our part. Besides, another example is that we have helped found eight Hope primary schools consecutivelly throughout the country. The places we have chosen are there where the people are poor but ambitious. It might be said that we spiritually grow and develop together with them.

[李慕松]:再比如说,我们在上海同济大学,成立了第一个菲尼克斯电气自动化实验室,拉近了高校教育和世界一流先进技术之间的距离,但是后来我们感觉到,我们的国家不仅需要工程师,我们还需要很多高等级的技师和工人,而这点是我们教育制度的缺陷。所以我们就把关注的目标放到了高等职业教育,像天津轻工高等职业技术学院,上海同济中德工程学院等等,陆陆续续的援建了六个实验室。我们定了一条原则,因为我们是一个工业企业,不是慈善机构,我也只是企业的一个员工,我也不是老板,也不能随便动用资金、违法乱纪,所以我们是在力所能及、合理合法的范围之内,尽我们的一份努力。大家都知道,网上登过北大的一个残疾人女博士,她和生命抗争,顽强拼搏,博士毕业了,但是就业困难,在这种情况之下,我们能够帮助的就帮她一把,到现在我们还一直保持着良好的联系。前几天,父亲节的时候,我还收到了郭晖博士给我发来的短信,祝贺节日快乐。我觉得这些东西就是凭着中国人的本份,不但我能做,你也会做。所以我就觉得,对我们来说,实际上通过这么多年的实践,我本人和我们的同事,通过社会责任实践,受益良多。比如说前不久,去年我们邀请了曾经帮助过的一个西藏大学生“次旦卓玛(音)”回到了南京,而且安排她参加一期“弘扬中华文化,做有道德的中国人”学习班。在这个学习班上、在我们公司,她专门给我们同事做了讲演,她的讲演,特别是她从西藏出来,回到生她养她的地方,为那里穷困的老百姓服务,深深感动了我们公司的同事。我们虽然做到了一点力所能及的,但我们收到了社会各界、社会群体对我们的帮助,这点是我们感激不尽的。  [11:06]
[Li Musong]: Another example is that we have helped found the first Phoenix Contact Automation Lab at Shanghai Tongji University so that the relationship between higher education and the world first-class advanced technologies is drawn close.  But later we are aware that our nation needs not only engineers, but also many senior technicians and workers. And this is the defect of our current education system. Thus, we turn our focus onto the higher vocational education, such as Higher Vocational Technical Institute of Tianjin Light Industry, Shanghai Tongji Sino-German Engineering Institute and so on. We have helped found six labs consecutively. We have a principle that we exert our efforts to help others as much as we can, lawfully and reasonably as ours is an industrial enterprise but not a charity institution, and I am one of the employees but not the boss so that I cannot use the capital freely or violate the laws or regulations. As is known to all, the story of a handicapped female Ph.D. of Peking University was once reported on the internet. She has struggled against her fate, and striven for better life staunchly. However, she could hardly find a job when she graduated. In this case, we were willing to lend her a hand and invited her to be an advisor of our company. Till now, we still have been on good terms. A few days ago, I received a short greeting message from Dr. Guo Hui on Father’s Day. I think these things are done due to our Chinese nature. Not only I but also you can do them as well. Thus, I think that to us, my colleagues and I have been benefited a lot after all these years practice of fulfilling social responsibility. For another example, not long ago, to be exactly last year, we invited a Tibetan college graduate named Tseten Drolma whom we had once helped to finish her university schooling, to go to Nanjing and arranged her to join in a workshop of “Promoting the Chinese Culture and Being a Moral Chinese.” In this workshop, she made a special speech to our colleagues. Her speech moved us deeply as she is from Tibet, has gone back to her hometown after graduation and serves the poor people there. Although we have done what we can, we are getting requited love from all walks of life in the society. This is what we are deeply indebted to. [11: 06]

[主持人]:不仅是物质上的帮助,更多的是精神上的帮助。  [11:06]
[Host]: So it is not only material help, but more than that, help of spiritual values. [11: 06]

[李慕松]:上次在西藏助学的时候,因为当地县委书记兼人大主任对我们说了,我们对他们的援助是建国六十年以来,收到内地企业的第一笔援助。更多层面上,你们对我们的是精神上的帮助。而且县委书记讲了,让我们那边的人第一次感受到了社会的关爱。我们听了这个话之后,心里真的沉甸甸的,我们国家正在发展,还有那么多的贫困人民,还有那么多的弱势群体,如果有这个能力的话,中国人的本份,老吾老、幼吾幼……事诸父,如事父,事诸兄,如事兄。只不过在他们要起步的时候,伸出自己的援手而已。  [11:08]
[Li Musong]: Last time when we supported the education in Tibet, the local county secretary of the party committee who was also the chairman of the people’s congress claimed that our company has been the first inland enterprise to aid them in these 60 years after the foundation of the new China. “You are helping us spiritually in more ways.” And he continued that the people there have felt to be taken care from the society for the first time. Hearing these words, we had been with heavy hearts: our country is developing, and there are still  many poor people, many disadvantaged groups, and if we have the capacity, we should do our Chinese duty— pay respects to the old and care for the young . . . and tend to the seniors as our parents and to the elders as our siblings. We merely lend our hands to them when they start out. [11:08]

[主持人]:有这样的一种说法,不知道您听说过没有,说您是“德国凤凰中国心,是您让世界名牌因中国而骄傲,是产业报国思想的集中体现者和力行者”。我想问一下李教授,我们如何在外企实现产业报国这一梦想和追求?  [11:12]
[Host]: I wonder if you have heard such a saying concerning you, “A German Phoenix with a Chinese heart, it is you who has made the world famous brand proud of being in cooperation with China and it is you who represent and realize the idea that industries should serve the country worthily.” Prof. Li, I am curious to know how we can realize the dream and pursuit of dedicating ourselves to the service of our country in a foreign-funded enterprise?

[李慕松]:我是一个普通的工程技术人员,在菲尼克斯电气成立以前,我在设计院工作过,在工厂工作过,在研究室工作过。对企业管理,实际上对我来说没有任何经验,而且我觉得您和社会各界对我们的夸奖,过奖了,不敢当。我只能说菲尼克斯电气是德国投资在中国的一个企业,我们是中国民族企业的一部分,我们应该该遵循,而且我们应该坚持国家和人民的利益,我相信这是每一个跨国集团公司应该尽的责任和法律义务。我记得我们百岁老人季羡林老先生曾经说过一段话,让我感悟良多,他说什么是中国优秀传统,什么是中国民族精神,什么是中国人文精神?就是两句话,第一,爱国;第二,有骨气。外商投资企业受西化影响比较多,我觉得外商投资企业的领头人,尤其是我们公司,因为我们公司其他同事,可以这么说,当时比我的孩子都小。如果我领他们走上了歪路,那我要对他们、对他们的家庭负全部的责任。所以外商投资企业的领路人负责任,不但自己不能忘记你是中国人,而且时刻要提醒你的团队不能忘记我们是中国人。对我来说,感谢国家的改革开放,我在80年代初曾经被国家派遣,给了我一个到美国留学考察的机会,我在美国的这三年,92年在德国工作过,在那两段期间,都给我留下了很深的印象,我是一个工程师,我是一个工程技术人员,当时我就发现,中国人不比外国人差。在80年代的时候,我们有一篇文章,后来被IEEE美国电机电子工程师协会三年一次的评选,从15000份论文当中被评为当年的论文大奖,美国当地的报纸当时做了报道,这是华人学者在IEEE历史上第三次获奖,而我是这三次获奖其中之一,来自大陆,又回归大陆的一个技术人员。我觉得这些说明中国人有志气、有能力,能够做到毛主席所说的中国人民有志气有能力,自立于世界民族之林。  [11:13]
[Li Musong]: I am an ordinary engineer and once worked in a designing institute, also at a factory and a research lab before the foundation of Phoenix Contact. I actually had no experience in business management, and I think I am flattered by you and people from all walks of life. I can say nothing but thank you. I can only say that Phoenix Contact is a German-funded enterprise in China, and we still belong to the Chinese national industry circle so that we should abide by putting the nation’s and the people’s interests first. I believe that this is the responsibility as well as the legal obligation that any transnational corporation group should fulfill. I still remember the famous scholar Mr. Ji Xianlin once saying something which made me meditate deeply—he asked what the excellent Chinese tradition is, what the Chinese national spirit is, and what the Chinese humanistic spirit is. Here is the answer: they are two things, first, patriotism; second, moral integrity. Many foreign-funded enterprises are influenced by the Western ideology, but I think a leader of a foreign-funded enterprise, especially one like our company, where many of employees are even younger than my child, would have to blame for causing losses to the employees and their families, if the leader led them astray. Therefore, the responsibility of a foreign-funded enterprise leader requires him or her to remember his/ her Chinese citizenship and to remind himself/ herself and their team that they are Chinese. To me, I thank the government’s open-up and reform policy for sending me to America to study in the early 1980s. I stayed in the US for three years and in 1992 I worked in Germany. These experiences left deep impression on me. I was an engineer and one of technical personnel. Even then I found that the Chinese were by no means less capable than the foreigners. In the 1980s, we wrote an article which was chosen from among the 15 thousand contributions and was granted the highest award by the American Institute of Electrical and ElectronicEngineers (IEEE) which presents awards once every three years. The local newspaper reported it then, and that was the third time a Chinese had won the award in IEEE’s history. I was one of them. I was a technician from mainland China and returned to the mainland. I think these stories showed the ambition and ability of the Chinese. We can accomplish what Chairman Mao once said that the Chinese people are ambitious and capable enough to stand among the nations all over the world. [11:13]

[李慕松]:谈到菲尼克斯电气,也是缘份。中国过去有一句古话,“有心栽花花不开,无心插柳柳成荫”,我是搞电力自动化的,我一心想和世界500强电力自动化的企业合作,但后来发现由于文化、理念的不同,没有成功。但这个中小企业他们找上了我,找我的时候,他们的真诚让我感动。当时我注意到,这是一个我能报效国家的机会。因为我们国家正在起步,我们整个工业电气的技术和水平和欧美先进国家差了好几十年,能不能在外商投资企业这个平台上解决当时国企、民企解决不了的问题,支持国家的重点建设。这就是当时改革开放给了我这样一个机会。记得1998年,我邀请了电力部的张凤祥副部长,他是我的老领导,也是我专业行业的领导。他是国际大电网学会中国国家委员会的主席,我是国际大电网学会国家委员会电力自动化专委会的国家代表,邀请他到了德国,后来2001年又邀请了机械部的陆部长访问了德国菲尼克斯电气集团。这两位领导去了以后,都对我讲,小李,这家企业的技术和产品确实是我们国家需要的。所以我觉得一个普通的小人物,能够有报效国家的好机会,我还是很高兴的。  [11:19]
[Li Musong]: Speaking of Phoenix Contact, it was a lucky opportunity for it and for me. There are two ancient Chinese verses to match the description of the case, “Someone plants a flower purposefully just to find it never blooms, while another one puts a willow unwittingly into earth, but it grows and gives shades.” I majored in automation of electric power systems and craved for cooperating with the electrical automation industries in the list of world top 500, but later I found that all these attempts failed due to the differences between cultures and notions.. But this German small and medium -sized enterprise sought me out. When they found me, I was really moved by their sincerity. Even then I noticed that they provided a chance for me to serve my motherland, because China was in the starting phase of modernization, the industrial electrical technological levels lagged behind those in European and American countries by decades. I wondered if we could solve the problems which the State-owned and private enterprises are unable to deal with, on the platform of foreign-funded enterprises in order to support the state’s key construction projects. That was the opportunity granted to me by the open-up and reform policy then. I recall that in 1998 I invited Mr. Zhang Fengxiang, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Electric Power and an expert in my profession, to Germany. He was the chairman of the Association of the Chinese National Committee of International Large Power Grid, and I was the state representative of the Chinese National Committee of International Large Power Grid. Later in 2001, I invited Minister Lu of the Ministry of Machinery to visit German Phoenix Contact Group. After visiting the group, they both told me: “Little Li, the techniques and products of this enterprise are really what our country needs.” Thus, I feel lucky and pleased that an ordinary person like me can have a chance to serve our country .” [11:19]

[李慕松]:事实上对我来说,我选择了菲尼克斯电气,实际上菲尼克斯电气也改变了我,不仅仅是给了我这样一个机会,特别是我的同事,给了我报效国家的机会。我记得1998年的时候,张部长在德国,因为他向我们董事长当面介绍我,他说,李慕松先生是我们的教授,是我们国家级的专家。我们董事长那时候笑了,他说,也许中国将来会少一个教授,可能会多一个企业家。当然我做的还不够,我还不敢称自己是企业家,确实给了我一个报效国家、改变人生的机会。而且以前毕竟也是受到社会的影响,追求个人名利等等。但这16年以来,一步步认清了自己该走的路,真正走上了“振奋民族精神、服务社会大众”的道路。  [11:21]
[Li Musong]: As a matter of fact, I have chosen Phoenix Contact; and at the same time Phoenix Contact has changed me—it provides not only me but also my colleagues with a chance to serve our country. I remember that in 1998 when Minister Zhang was in Germany, he introduced me to the chairman of the board of Phoenix Contact. He said: Mr. Musong Li is our professor, our state-ranking expert. The chairman smiled then and said: China might lose a professor but in return get one more entrepreneur. I must admit that what I have done is not enough to live up to the title, and that is why I dare not call myself an entrepreneur. Phoenix Contact indeed provided me with a chance to serve the country and change my life. Moreover, I was also influenced by the society and pursued personal reputation and interests and so on. But over the past 16 years, I have come to realize what road I should take and I have stepped onto the very road of “Promoting the National Spirit and Serving the Society and the Public.” [11:21]

[主持人]:刚才李教授讲到中小企业的问题,2009年席卷全球的经济危机,使我们很多中小企业不胜其寒,有的收缩,有的甚至倒闭,但菲尼克斯电气中国公司为什么能够打破经济危机下效益必然下滑的铁律,以两位数的优势一举超过20多年来全球排名第一的美国公司,正式跃居德国菲尼克斯电气集团全球56个公司的排行榜首?  [11:24]
[Host]: Just now Prof. Li mentioned the issue of small and medium -sized enterprises and the economic crisis which swept the globe in 2009 and freezed many Chinese small and medium -sized enterprises---some shrank and some even went bankrupt. But  why did PCCN manage to break the invariable law that profitability must drop during an economic crisis? You have surpassed the American subsidiary which had been ahead of any subsidiary over the past twenty years by the advantage of a double digit, and formally jumped to the top of the 56 subsidiaries of Phoenix Contact Group in the world. [11:24]

[李慕松]:当经济危机到来的时候,我们也和其他企业一样,出台了“寒冬战略”,当然我们的寒冬战略是基于立足于中国。当时我对董事会讲,我们相信中国政府的应对政策,我们相信我们中国团队,这是一支优秀团队,一定能够克服困难。当时说服了德国,我们不但是菲尼克斯电气全球唯一的不裁员、不减薪,而且也是我们江苏南京地区唯一这样做的一个外商投资企业。当时我们也面临着很大的压力,当时总部通知我们,总部已经裁员,另有一批人合同到期,不续约,还是裁员。有一批管理人员,25%,后来说95%,缩短工作时间、减薪。在这种情况之下,我们应该怎么做,我们坚持了自己的原则,而且取得了投资方的尊重。后来从全国总工会、江苏省、南京市、以及国家的一些媒体都报道了我们公司的“寒冬战略”,实际上就是“四不、三决定”。四不,一是不作经济性裁员;二是不作经济性减薪,不将困难转移到员工和他们的家庭头上;三是不改变在中国的战略投资;四是不改变对中国市场和客户的承诺。实际上对一个企业来说,你要处理好四种关系,就是员工、客户、社会和投资方,前两条,我们处理了员工关系,善待员工,后两条,善待我们的合作伙伴、我们的客户和我们的国家。所以,归根到底,还是善待了我们的投资方。因为中国公司在危机中的表现,让他们认识到了,中国公司的决定是对的,中国政府的决策是对的。  [11:25]
[Li Musong]: When the crisis came, like many other enterprises we also worked out a “Winter strategy”. Needless to say, our winter strategy was based on and rooted in the Chinese context. At that time I told the board that we believed in the Chinese government’s corresponding policies and our Chinese team which was an excellent team that must be able to overcome the difficulties. We convinced the German side. PCCN is the only subsidiary of Phoenix Contact Group’s all subsidiaries that did not cut down the staff or the salaries and it is also the only one foreign-funded enterprise that did so in the region of Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. Back then, we were also under great pressure, and the headquarters informed us that they themselves had cut some members—some of the employees’ contracts expired and were not renewed, another way of cutting down the staff. About 25% and later up to 95% of management workers were facing shortened working hours and reduced salaries. Under those circumstances, what should we do? We stuck to our principle at last we won the investor’s respect. Later All China Federation of Trade Union and some media from Nanjing as well as the one on state level reported the “winter strategy” of our company which was in fact “four nots and three decisions.” Four nots are: first, not cut down the staff for the  economic reason; second, not cut the salaries to shift the difficulties onto the employees and their families for the economic reason and ; third, not change the strategic investment in China; and fourth, not change the commitments to the Chinese market and customers. In fact, to an enterprise, you have to manage well four relationships: employees, customers, the society and the investors. The former two concern how we dealt with the relationship with employees and treated them well, while the latter two concern how we treated our partners, customers and our country well. Thus, all in all, we treated our investors well. Our behavior in the crisis made the investors realize that PCCN’s decision is right and so is the Chinese government’s decision. [11:25]

[主持人]:寒冬战略的实施也不是一帆风顺的,听说德国总部曾经要求说,中国公司停止一切的投资活动,但是我们坚持,而且取得了成功。还有一种说法,外资是装在车轮上的资金,赚了钱就走人。你怎么看待这个说法?  [11:27]
[Host]: The implementation of the winter strategy was not totally smooth. It is said that the German headquarters once demanded PCCN to stop any investment. But you insisted on it and finally succeeded. There is a viewpoint that foreign funds are the capital in the wheels which run away after making money. How do you think of it? [11:27]

[李慕松]:你刚才谈到了我们“不降反升”的事情,我们公司16年一直在成长,从来没有掉下来过,一年比一年高,2007年是我们这几年发展最迅速的,那一年业务增长达到了30%,2008年尽管遭遇突然而来的全球金融危机带来的影响,我们依然实现25.4%的增长,2009年是以两位数的优势超过了雄居世界首位的美国公司。除了中国政府的大环境以外,就是这支百分之百的本土员工和百分之百管理的优秀团队的努力。我们公司的核心竞争力也就在这儿,至于您讲的,我给您汇报一下我们公司的员工在这次危机当中的表现。  [11:27]
[Li Musong]: Just now you mentioned the phenomenon of “not decrease but increase ” in our company where the profit has been increasing for 16 years, never slipping down and higher year after year. The year 2007 saw the fastest growth when the business increased by 30%. Although it was suddenly affected by the global financial crisis in 2008, we still brought out the growth of 25.4%. In 2009, we surpassed the American subsidiary, the No.1 of all the subsidiaries, by a double digit. Our thanks are due to the  excellent team—100% local employees and 100% localized management, apart from the macro environment provided by the Chinese government. This is where our core competence lies. As to what you mentioned, I would like to report the behavior of the employees of our company during this crisis. [11:27]

[李慕松]:我们一个普通工人说了,这是我们所在乡下的工人,他说看看周边的企业和邻居,在经济危机的冬天有工作做,收入一分不减,真的感到幸福。因为看到其他外资企业怎么对待他们员工的,所以这个老工人流着眼泪说,只要公司需要,我愿意一辈子为公司服务。比如在经济危机到来的时候,我们大家也在讲,谁有棉衣谁就能活下来。我们有一位工人说,具有责任心和使命感的员工,有感恩心的员工是确保公司渡过全球金融危机最暖的棉衣。我们工人和公司连在一起。像我们有一个工程师,不是我们公司的干部,他从其他外资企业过来,他说我根本就不相信现在这个社会还有任何诚信可言。但到了菲尼克斯电气之后,我找回了诚信。  [11:29]



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