We are one of the top 3 private label suppliers in the global market. Our producing capacity is more than 50,000,000,000,000/units each week. Furthermore, you know, the knowledge and the know-how sometimes is more important than the machines and equipments. Fortunately, we have accumulated enough producing and management know-how from our long-term co-operation with XXXX company. I am sure we can help you to reduce your international sourcing costs, we can help you to increase your bottom line. just let me know how I can create value.
7.客户有权利问你很多问题,其实你也是有权利问客户的。下列问题你可是试着问问看,对你了解客户好处多多:How can you evaluate your suppliers? 很多客户不愿意直接回答你,因为确实太难了,你可以补充一句, just generally speaking, not the detailed principles. What's your purchasing plan for next season?
假如是零售商:How many stores does your company have?
假如是中间商:Do you distribute your goods only in your domestic market? Or in the whole Europe? Which country is your biggest market? 不能直接问谁是你最大的客户,这样太敏感了。
8.在展览会最后一两天的时候,你可以问: What do you think about the trade show? Did you find everything which you need exactly? 你问这种问题很容易可以从客户那里得到你们整个行业的情况,客户的观点对你是很有价值的。同时,你也间接的问客户了客户还有什么东西没有找到,说不定你可以帮上客户的忙,假如你刚好也有这种产品的话,客户也会把定单下到你这里。
9.跟客户介绍的时候,不要总是说, Our quality is very good. 展位上面大家时间都不多。不要说一些客人没有办法衡量的话,怎么样才叫好呢?大公司的买家基本上都是至少大学学历,很多都受过专门的采购培训,他们内部有一套定量的评估体系的。所以,最好是用你本行业的定量术语来表达,假如本行业没有定量术语,就直接说,We have supplied our products for XXXXX company for 5 years, and XXXX company is quiet satisfied for our quality. So I believe we can meet or exceed your quality requirements. 这个XXXX公司最好是客户应该知道的,和客户差不多同类档次的,或者高一点点,不要高太多的。否则要误解的。
10.其实,大公司的买手最关心的不是price, quality, 而是: reliability. 差不多的商品,买手从不同的供应商购买,价格有点小差距,国外的公司是可以接受的。但是,买手找的供应商出问题的话,那问题就大了,欧洲还好一点,美国可以马上就走人。所以,我们假如能站在客户的角度考虑问题,要让买手觉得你在所有的供应商里面,你是最reliable的,包括质量,价格,长期供货能力等等。